Get ahead of your Debts before they get ahead of you!
A recent study by the office of National Statistics shows almost half of all adults expect their financial position to get worse over the next 12 months because of the Coronavirus outbreak.
Coronavirus is making things difficult for a lot of people, but it’s important that you don’t ignore your bills or debts. Speak to the organisation you owe money to – they might be able to help by letting you pay smaller amounts or take a break.
Many credit and mortgage companies are offering payment holidays during the Coronavirus outbreak, and eviction procedures have been postponed for 3 months from 27th March 2020 – meaning you have time to get your debts under control.
If you have any problems negotiating payments or discussing alternative solutions for your debt, North Tyneside Citizens Advice are here to help. Our free specialist debt advisers will go through your debts and bills with you, and help you bring your finances back under control.
Although our face-to-face services are temporarily closed, there are still plenty of ways to get in touch with us:
- Call our Adviceline on 0300 3309 047, Monday – Friday 9-5
- Email us for a callback through our website
- Contact our national webchat service