Rent-to-own cap a victory for struggling families, Citizens Advice says
The FCA has proposed a 100% price cap on rent-to-own companies in a clampdown on “excessive charges” expected to save 300,000 vulnerable customers up to £22.7m a year.
The FCA has proposed a 100% price cap on rent-to-own companies in a clampdown on “excessive charges” expected to save 300,000 vulnerable customers up to £22.7m a year.
North Tyneside Citizens Advice have begun a new pilot with NTW Foundation Trust to provide timely debt management and benefit advice for people with mental health problems,
Citizens Advice North Tyneside has said some disabled people in the area could be around £300 a month worse off under Universal Credit compared to the previous system.
People need to be on their guard against financial and legal scams following a rise in cases reported to the Citizens Advice consumer service.
Over 1.6 million disability claims are going to be reviewed after the DWP decided not to challenge a court ruling that said some changes to PIP were unfair to claimants with mental health conditions.
On 2nd May 2018, Universal Credit was rolled out across the whole North Tyneside area as a full service,
New research from Citizens Advice has found that 140,000 households in Great Britain (around 400,000 people) have been left without gas or electricity because they didn’t have enough money to top up their prepayment meter.
Universal Credit risks adding to the financial instability of low-income workers, with those who are self-employed likely to come under the most pressure,
New research from Citizens Advice shows that extending payday loan rules to the doorstep lending market could prevent their customers getting into problem debt,
The number of people in North Tyneside with mental health problems who use Citizens Advice reached 551 in 2017,